How to: Cupping
Therapeutic benefits of Cupping:
Cupping can improve circulation by bringing blood flow to the area. Cupping may improve lymphatic drainage, release myofascial restrictions, decrease pain, and break up scar tissue. When the cups suction the underlying skin, they are putting a traction force on the fascia, which can promote healing and fascial release.
Cupping therapy has been practiced for centuries in many places throughout the world, and is a staple of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Silicone cups have made cupping easy to do at home.
Cupping basics and treating carpal tunnel
cupping for plantar fasciitis
Cupping along incisions and scar tissue
Treating Scar Tissue with cupping
Did you know that cupping has been used for centuries? Scholars believe it was first used in China, Egypt, and the Middle east beginning thousands of years ago.
Cupping: How To
Step 1: Apply a small amount of lubricant (coconut oil, tiger balm, shea butter), especially in places that are hairy, boney, or sinewy, to ensure good contact of the cup so it will be able to suction. Works much better with a lubricant!
Step 2: There are two ways to create suction. The simplest method is to place the cup on the treatment area, and then press the plunger in. The second method is to turn the cup inside out, place on the skin, and then fold the sides back over to create the suction. (it will create a stronger suction but is more strenuous to apply).
Step 3: leave the Silicon suction cup on for 2-5 minutes. Some areas will only produce mild redness, whereas scars, areas with more capillaries, sore and “stagnant” areas will produce more redness. You can check after a few minutes and reapply if necessary. *the variation in areas that get red and do not get red can be quite significant.
There are many ways to use your cupping set, we recommend experimenting with all these techniques!
Static Cupping: apply and leave on for several minutes
Dynamic Cupping: After applying, slowly drag the cup along the tendon and muscle complex, creating tension and breaking apart adhesions along the entire muscle complex. A skin lubricant is absolutely necessary for proper glide.
Cupping for Mobility: Once the cups are in place, you can actively move the joint or region and create a stretch in the muscle and fascia while the cups are in place. This is similar to a pin and stretch technique, and will help decrease muscle and joint tension.